With our Energía Rural axis, we have contributed to reduce the number of households without electricity, improving the quality of life of more than 85 thousand families in rural and urban zones of El Salvador. Access to energy allows them to count on new opportunities such as the possibility to create businesses and to enjoy the benefits of energy to receive better education, health services, traffic safety and healthy recreation.

Rural energy in public-private alliance 

Jointly with Fomilenio, between 2009 and 2012, we built more than one thousand electrification projects, benefiting almost 36 thousand families in 93 municipalities in the departments of Morazán, La Unión, San Miguel, Chalatenango, Santa Ana, Cabañas and Cuscatlán. 

Since 2001, we work jointly with the National Investment Fund of Electricity and Telephony (FINET), with municipal offices and with organized communities to develop rural electrification projects, an effort that has benefitted more than 35 thousand families in rural zones throughout the country.

Community talks 

We provide talks in rural communities on the safe use of electrical energy and on how to achieve an efficient use of electricity. To date, more than 85 thousand people from 1280 communities throughout the country have been benefitted with these talks. 

Electricity for all

In 2023, we invested more than US$ 1 million through our distribution companies AES CAESS, AES CLESA, AES EEO and AES DEUSEM to execute the “Luz para Todos” ("Electricity for All") project, which benefitted more than 700 families in a poverty situation with the free installation of the electricity service and a basic system formed by a load center, an outlet and an energy-saving light bulb.

Solar Rural Energy

Additionally, in AES El Salvador we developed the  first solar rural energy project , which benefitted 14 families of San Francisco Menéndez in Ahuachapán. This type of initiatives allow energy to be provided more efficiently to hard-to-reach communities located far away from electrical distribution lines.