Since 2013, we seek to benefit women with formation opportunities that allow them to acquire or strengthen their academic knowledge for the effective management of their own business, besides providing them with formal training on how to make reliable and safe electrical installations. 
This is how AES El Salvador promotes impact stories in our communities through the generation of opportunities for inclusive and sustainable economic development to improve the lives of Salvadoran women.
Empretec Workshop 

During the last 11 years, we have trained 306 women on the skills and knowledge needed to start their own business, to allow them to contribute to family economy and to their personal realization. The EMPRETEC workshop seeks to strengthen entrepreneurial culture through a ludic, theoretical and practical methodology, consolidating their business, competition and production skills. This course is aimed at women relatives of our collaborators in AES El Salvador. 

The Empretec workshop has been designed by the United Nations  and is being implemented in El Salvador by the Business Foundation for Social Action (Fundemas), an organization promoting social responsibility in the country.

Course on Residential Electrical Installations 

Since 2016, AES El Salvador has been providing technical training for the education of female electricians through the Residential Electrical Installations Course. This course is aimed at all women who wish to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge for the implementation of reliable, efficient, and safe electrical installations.

To date, we have delivered 45 courses in which 883 women have participated. Of them, 848 have been certified as Electrical Technicians by the General Superintendency of Electricity and Telecommunications (SIGET).