AES CLESA Invests US $600,000 to Optimize Service in Rural Communities of Western El Salvador
August 1, 2024
Throughout 2024, AES El Salvador is committed to developing and implementing innovative energy solutions to benefit its customers, especially those located in rural areas of the country.

Gabriel Martínez's cattle graze freely under the scorching sun in the canton of Galeano, Chalchuapa District, Santa Ana. The cows make their way among AES workers who have arrived to fulfill the request made by the inhabitants of this rural area: to modernize the electricity distribution network.
Gabriel is a resident of one of the many communities where AES El Salvador, through its company AES CLESA, is executing more than 50 projects to standardize third-party lines in various districts of the departments of Santa Ana, Ahuachapán, Sonsonate, and La Libertad, with the aim of providing a reliable, safe, and continuous electricity service to the beneficiary families.
Previously, the electrical networks of these communities, which had been built by private individuals, had tubes and poles instead of posts, as well as other materials that did not meet technical standards. Over the years, these infrastructures deteriorated and posed a risk to families.

Now, AES CLESA has installed new electricity distribution networks, using state-of-the-art materials and complying with the technical regulations endorsed by the General Superintendence of Electricity and Telecommunications (SIGET). This optimization of the infrastructure ensures a safer and more reliable service, allowing for the promotion of the economic and social development of families.
Gabriel finishes his workday while AES workers continue their tasks by installing the new conductor that will carry the energy he and his family need. “I want to thank the AES CLESA workers who, regardless of the distance and weather conditions, have been here working from sunup to sundown,” says Gabriel.
“What we are doing here, we are doing in 50 communities, so that families can have a quality electricity service and thus help them improve their quality of life. That is the main objective of AES El Salvador,” said Carlos Pleitez, Construction Supervisor at AES CLESA.

With these initiatives, AES El Salvador continues to accelerate the future of energy in the western region of the country, driving economic and social development through an optimal, constant and safe electricity service.